FAQ for newly enrolled parents
Is there any charge for the services provided by Options for Learning's Child Care Services?
Our agency is a private nonprofit and does not charge for services to parents or providers.
How do I qualify for subsidized child care?
Funding is based on your need (working, school, training, etc.), family size and income. Call our office, complete an Eligibility Questionnaire and send it back. Your family will be placed on an eligibility list and contacted when funding is available.
How long will it take to find out if I qualify?
Families are enrolled based on funding available from the State Department of Education – Early Education and Support Division (EESD) and when openings occur. Families are then contacted to begin the enrollment process. The demand for subsidized child care is great, and funding is limited. Priority is given to families according to funding guidelines for income eligibility and program priorities.
Do I get to choose my own child care provider?
Parents always make the final decision on any child care arrangement. However, some contracts only allow certain types of care to be chosen; this will be explained to you prior to enrollment.
Who monitors the quality of providers?
Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing oversees the licensing of homes and centers and monitors them on a regular basis. Parents will receive guidance from Options for Learning on how to select a child care provider. A checklist on what questions to ask and how to select a qualified provider is available. Please refer to our tips on how to find quality child care or call our Resource and Referral Department at 626-856-5900, ext. 3.
Will I have to pay a fee for my child care?
Depending on your family size and income, you may be assessed a fee that will be collected monthly. We encourage parents to use our online payment system. The fee is used to offset the payment Options for Learning makes to your chosen provider. Parents who are currently receiving cash aid generally do not have a parent fee.