California ECE Workforce Registry
What is the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry?
The registry is an efficient, web-based system designed to verify and securely store and track the employment, training, and education accomplishments of early childhood care and education (ECE) teachers and providers. Participation in the registry provides the opportunity to be part of a statewide data system for all early care and education professionals.
Watch the video below to learn more about the California ECE Workforce Registry.
Gateways for Early Educators™
In partnership with the CA ECE Workforce Registry, Gateways for Early Educators is a professional development system of training workshops offered by the Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles resource and referral agencies.
All Gateways training participants with a Registry profile can sign up and track their training accomplishments and progress toward completing a Gateways Passport. The Passport is a professional development pathway with 12 topic areas aligned with the California ECE Competencies and is completed when a participant attends at least two trainings in each topic area.
Gateways for Early Educators™ receive the following benefits:
- Opportunity to search and view the Gateways training calendar;
- Ability to register for Gateways trainings offered across L.A. County;
- Training hours recorded in the Registry;
- Check progress with a customized virtual version of the Gateways Passport.