Online professional development opportunities

Professional Development Calendar - Quality Start Los AngelesProviders are encouraged to participate in these free online professional development training opportunities to support ongoing learning. Training is recorded directly in the CA ECE Workforce Registry, or certificates can be submitted to the Registry to count toward professional development hours.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has an Online Learning Portal that provides access to more than 80 hours of self-paced training on a variety of early childhood-related topics. Training topics are related to the California Foundation, California Frameworks, DRDP, CSEFEL, Health and Nutrition and other CDE publications. Content is available in English and Spanish. is an award-winning professional learning network that provides webinars and professional learning communities so educators can share their best ideas and practices to improve teaching and learning, student achievement, and school culture.
Early Childhood Investigations provides an ongoing series of conference quality webinars for early childhood educators. These engaging webinars are presented by many of the thought-leaders and experts in the field of early care and education. The webinars explore critical topics that offer new ideas and insights to early childhood professionals, especially administrators.
Strategies 2.0 offers webinars and other online learning opportunities focusing on improving family engagement knowledge and skills for professionals in any field that work with families. Topics include: trauma-informed care, family-strengthening essentials, and more.
QCC Family Engagement modules has released new family engagement training modules focusing on the foundations of family engagement and building strengths-based relationships. Content is available in English and Spanish.
The California Department of Social Services provides Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training via self-paced modules that follow California state laws for mandated reporters.